I’m not invisible you know

For those of you who follow me on social media you’ll know I asked a few questions about feedback. Thanks to all of you who responded. It confirmed what I was feeling about the impact of getting feedback that you need to be more visible. But before I get into that and what you can do with such vague nonsense let’s take a step back.

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Nicola Bowyer
9 Ways to get out of your head

Thoughts of themselves are innocuous. They are just thoughts. Little words that fly around. But, when they give rise to unhelpful emotions and behaviour they can stop us from enjoying the richness of our lives.

I don’t have the answer to help you dispel them forever. There is no answer for that. But what I do have for you are XX things that you can practice when your thoughts are causing you to second guess yourself, procrastinate, feel crappy and just basically making your life miserable.

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Nicola Bowyer
My to do list is killing me.....

Okay so it’s not quite killing me but…

My to do list sucks the joy out of my life. Things that should be a pleasant experience – planning my Mum’s 70th - end up just being another thing that gets shifted from one week to the next until I finally get around to doing it. And then it’s just a big chore. The only joy comes when I’ve finally done it and can remove it from the list. Surely that’s not how life should be lived right?

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Nicola Bowyer