Ex Big Four turned

Career coach

helping mid career

women escape corporate life

What once filled you with joy now leaves you cold


Lets flush out your career woes

You’ve worked really hard to get to where you are. And you used to love your job but now it just doesn’t do it for you anymore.

The thought of doing this for another 10, 15 years leaves you feeling blurgh. But what the hell are you going to do next? I mean what can you do?

What used to drive you just doesn’t do it for you anymore but you can’t quite work out what is important to you now. And not having a plan is completely alien to you. You used to have so much certainty, a clear path. But now, it’s like your walking through a forest shrouded in thick fog.

We’ll work together to flush out the crap that you don’t want to engage with anymore. We’ll work out exactly your next career move, one that aligns to who you are now, not the twentysomething from years ago. I’m here to coach you through it all - to move you out of the fog to certainty on your next career move.


the career cleanse

  • 180 minutes closer to less shoulds and more wants

  • 180 minutes closer to a role that fits with who you are today

  • 180 minutes closer to feeling excited about your career again

And less than 1 minute to take

What would you do if change was easy?

What would you do if a coach didn’t come at you with (gross) Tony Robbins-style posturing?

What would you do if your coach was a straight talking, (kind of hilarious) ex-KPMG consultant called Nicola, who wasn’t trying to sell you a formula for ‘how to be more successful’? Or using personal life experiences as a template for what will work for you too.

What if you could get solid, practical support with no BS attached?

In this intimate, 180-min, 1-1 coaching experience, we’ll do a very honest clear out of all the stuff at work that frustrates and scares you; we’ll work on uncovering what’s important to you now and what that means for your next career move. You’ll learn to let go of the beliefs and behaviours that leave you feeling exhausted and flat. Together we’ll inject some energy into your career. Because let’s face it you are sooooo bored of moaning about work and nothing changing.

This is what we’ll work through when you book ‘The Career Cleanse’ with me.

After our session, you can expect to feel:

 RELIEF. Like you’ve been holding your breath, and you’ve been holding your body tension for a million years. By the end of the session, there is release and relief, and a ‘bloody hell!’ realisation that you can let go of at least 9,893 of the exhausting assumptions you’ve been holding inside.

CALM. Because you know what those next steps in your career are. You don’t have to wait until the waves of time part to give you the space to answer ‘What do I want to do?’ You can make that career move now.

All in: £400. Split payments available

to find out if The Career Cleanse

is right for you.

Nicola is a fantastic coach, who has helped me considerably in both my professional and personal life. Her expertise and guidance has helped me view situations and problems with a whole new mindset, while helping me set realistic goals and make sustainable changes. She’s incredibly warm and genuine, and makes sessions engaging, fun and insightful.
— Michelle, Marketing Director, Health & Leisure

about me

What do you want to know? I did life a little bit backwards. By the time I was 23 I had 3 young children and was a single parent at 25. My driver was to be able to support my kids so I went to Uni and eventually ended up at KPMG.

I had various roles there: corporate governance consultant, programme managed a board relationship programme, led their mentoring programme and was a Chief of Staff. None of it was ever really me so whilst working I studied coaching, psychology, and creative writing. Then me and husband lived in Melbourne for a few years where I was a strategy and ops director for a NFP.

The call of family and friends brought us back to London where I ended up back at KPMG. I wasn’t happy. I didn’t know what I wanted to do but I ran, read and studied (again) and eventually escaped. Now I deliver leadership and management coaching for a company and work privately on my business delivering career coaching to women just like you.

And so why am I doing this now?

Everywhere I go, I see women sacrificing themselves.

Delaying ‘me time’, waiting forever for ‘the right time.’ You know what I’m talking about, the fabled moment where the planets align and it’s finally the right opportunity for you to focus on you again? 

I see women trapped in relationships they can’t leave because of a lack of financial mobility. Women rattling the bars at jobs where they work twice as hard as their male counterparts with absolutely no payoff.

 I cannot fix all of that. I cannot magic it away. So much of this shit is grounded in good old toxic capitalism and patriarchal systems that squash the very best of us.

 What I can do is help you take charge of you. And find out what you really want to do to earn a living as you move past your mid career point.

Why women work with me

Wisdom & perspective

I am not an all knowing owl. I think we can all see that. But I’m not a coach who will purely pose questions for you to find the answers. I’ll offer up my perspective if I think it’s going to help you unlock something. I will share what I’m learning if I think you will find it interesting. And I’ll call out bullshit you’ve been fed that’s making you unhappy.


I hear women saying the most awful things about themselves. They have the tendency to ignore the wins and focus on what they haven’t done. I’ll pick you up on this to help you be kinder to yourself and build confidence.


Knock, knock……..so I won’t be telling jokes. But I’m funny to work with. I’m conscious that you may be thinking that funny people don’t say their funny to work with. But I am. Some of the stuff that comes up in my work with women can be confronting and hard. But humour can help here. And it bonds us quicker.

Nicola helped me to find my inner strength and visualise a different life for myself. She did all of that very professionally and gently but with a contagious laugh
— Silvia, Technical Implementation Manager

I write all my best stuff on the blog