Something has smelt a little bit off. A bit like the rotten courgettes I found in my fridge earlier.

Something has smelt a little bit off. A bit like the rotten courgettes I found in my fridge earlier.
A few weeks off producing content has turned into actually I don’t even know. But longer than intended.
I’m regrouping.
When I started my business in 2019 (actually that’s when I started thinking about probably a bit later than that) I had a very clear idea of who I wanted to work with and how I could help them.
But it’s all gone a bit murky.
I’m changing, my work is slowly changing and I’m like ‘What am I here to do?’

Plus… my other job (the one that helps pay the bills) whilst I do some interesting coaching in leadership stuff and the clients are fab (although it’s blind date stuff – we don’t get to choose each other)…. I don’t normally get to go deep.

And I love deep. The discarding of ghosts, the exploration of who are we……this is my sustenance.

So with the help of my awesome coach we’ve been searching through the dusty loft in my brain to recover my purpose.

We haven’t quite found it yet. I’m sure it’s hidden under a box of stuff I no longer love but can’t quite let go of.

I’m close…I can feel it.

In the meantime……stepping back is hard even when you know it’s the best thing for you.

I’ve been stalked by ‘shoulderation’ and its cousin ‘If you were really serious about this you would….’

But I’ve brought out the big guns to scare those buggers away.

Walking in the early morning
Re-reading the power or now
The gym

It’s so tempting to post to social media. But then I go onto LinkedIn and I literally feel like a Dementor is sucking my soul.

I’ve recorded stories a few times and haven’t posted. But I’m trying to go all karate chop on the need to post and usher in its very attractive sister – Miss want to post, got something awesome to share, want to leave you thinking ‘Ah, yes.’

So I’ll pop into your inbox now and then to let you peek into my muddled brain.

I’m not missing. I’m just sniffing out my next chapter.

PS – I’ve not closed shop.  I’m still doing 121 coaching with my private clients. I’m pretty stacked at the moment but have room for about 3 more.  So if you fancy being one of those 3 book yourself in for a cuppa and a chat here click here.

PPS - Have you discovered the Deliciously Ella podcast yet? I LOVE it -go listen.

Nicola Bowyer