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Boost your confidence, Quieten your critic

A workshop for women wanting to boost their confidence and quieten their inner critic to set themselves free.

How many times over the last year have you told yourself, family, friends, colleagues that you just don't have confidence? How much time do you spend listening to those voices in your head that tell you that you can't do something, that you're not good enough, that everyone is better than you? I reckon it's a fair amount. Your inner critic can be relentless. And, it gets in your way of doing all the amazing things you want to do.
This workshop will bring together 10 women who are experiencing very similar issues to you around confidence.
After 1.5 hours together you'll walk away with:
- Clarity on what confidence is and a realisation that you do have it
- An appreciation of your qualities and abilities
- Compassion and understanding of your inner critic
- = Tools to help you turn the volume of your inner critic right down.

Tickets are available here

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